Inter-School Creative Writing competition (2018-19)


Judges' Profile

Priya Pathiya has been writing and editing professionally for 21 years about food, travel, social trends, popular culture and interesting people – in mainstream newspapers and as founding editor of the Indian edition of an international magazine. She now does freelance writing, micro-blogging and tweeting.

Antoine Lewis is a chronicler of food and culture. Apart from being a regular contributor to a variety of national and international publications and websites, he has been the Editor of Savvy Cookbook, Food & Drink Editor, Paprika Media and Editor of

Punam Chadha- Joseph has received much acclaim for her first book of poems ‘The Soulful Seeker”- a collection of the author's thoughts, emotions and feelings. Currently working on two new books, she has participated in various poetry readings and panels such as Lit-O-fest, Women Writers, Kala Ghoda Arts Fest, Writing through Movement and many more.

Thank You so much, judges!